Preferred BattleMech: Batu (aerotech)
Status: Active
Clan Jade Falcon took Star Captain Neran McKenna as abtakha from Clan Snow Raven following a Trial of Possession for the genetic legacy of Star Commodore Pamela Von Jankmon. Khan Lynn McKenna issued the challenge for the fierce trial, which was fought exclusively in space. Clan Jade Falcon defeated Clan Snow Raven, considered to produce the finest naval/aerospace forces in the Clans, but at great cost. Nerran McKenna spent two years as a bondsman to CLan Jade falcon before the Falcons adopted him into the Clan as a warrior. Star Captain McKenna displays the genetic talent for piloting common to the McKenna line of Clan Snow Ravenm traditionally a Warden Clan, has recently shown interest in the path of the Crusaders, an interest that the Khans of Clan Jade Falcon support. Clan Snow Raven shares Clan Jade Falcon's intense dislike of the Steel Vipers, and their mutual enemy may also help bring the two Clans together.