Neuro Helmets
In spite of recent advances in BattleMech technology,
the basic element of a 'Mech's control system-the neural-impulse helmet-has remained
unchanged since the start of the Succession Wars. Commonly called neurohelmets, these
bulky items normally cover a MechWarrior's entire head, attaching firmly to the shoulders
of his cooling vest. Some more compact models remain from the days of the Star League, but
even these helmets are heavy and uncomfortable.
Electrodes on the interior of the neurohelmet channel sensory information from the BattleMech directly to the pilot, converting raw data on posture, movement, balance and speed into neural impulses for the human brain. At the same time, the helmet and its linked computer translate impulses from the MechWarrior's brain into signals transmitted directly to the 'Mech's gyroscope and myomer musculature. In this way, the reflexive bodily movements of the BattleMech are controlled subconsciously by the pilot, leaving his conscious brain free to control the various weapons and other systems as needed.
Rumors have been circulating about Clan advances in the area of
neural control. A source near the 1st Somerset Strikers reported that certain Clan pilots
have been sighted "...wearing no neurohelmets while operating their 'Mechs,
instead relying on a delicate web of conductive fibers affixed to their shaven heads.
These neural nets superficially resemble face paint, and indeed we initially thought our
opponents were using some strange system of tribal markings..." Regardless of
the veracity of these claims and others like them, such systems are surely prototypes at
best. No solid facts are yet available regarding the combat effectiveness or adaptability
of these new systems. As always, our readers will be the first to hear of any new