Please read the Requirements of entry into Jade Falcon carefully before joining.  If you then decide to join submit the following information:

Last 6 Didgets of Kali Serial Number:
Best Times Available:

To Either:

SCol Kane Roshak (CO TAC)
SCol Pumper Hazen (CO Recruting)

ToE Requirments

All are welcome into the Jade Falcon Fold, however like most organizations certain conditions or minimum requirements must be met.  To get into Jade Falcon you must met the following requirments:

1, Be able to dedicate at least 3 hours per week to Jade Falcon Business
2, Be a registered user of Kali
3, Have at least a 28.8 modem
4, Have the game Mercs of course

Duties of the Sibko

All Cadets (Sibkos) shall be placed in the Labour Caste (see Castes) for a period of no less than 3 weeks.  During this time they will be an active member in TAC (Jade Falcons Training Academy) where they will learn the skills needed to become a great warrior of the Tourman.

All Cadets MUST attend at least 50% of all trainning sessions over this three week period.  There are currently 3 training sessions a week (see training OR TAC webpage).  After this time the Cadet obtains the right to compete for rank through the ToP Process (see ToP).

If a cadet has not been able to meet the above requirement they shall be given 1 warning, which shall result in the extention of TAC training of 1 week (at this point the cadet MUST attend 2 of the 3 weekly TAC sessions).  Failure at this point will result in a second warning and which point the cadet will have TAC training again extended with the requirement to attend ALL 3 TAC sessions for the next week.  Failure at this point will result in your expulision from Jade Falcon.

If you beieve you can meet these requirements then sign up with the greatest most powerful Clan on the Net.