
- Cadets may request a ToP any time after having been in the Clan for a period of no less than 3 weeks contingent of the requirements of the ToE (see ToE)
- All cates may request a ToP in order to join the warrior caste and warrior rank at anytime in thier career in Jade Falcon.
- All warriors may request a ToP once per day till they have reach the highest rank obtainable through the ToP process
- Permission of command officers in not require to begin a ToP (just mail the results to the SCO)
- All ToPs shall be fought 3-1, with the challenger engaging the lowest ranking opponet to the hightest one at a time until successful or destroyed
- As a ToP is a test of skill ALL warriors in the ToP may use custom mechs of any tonnage, HOWEVER, as it is a test of skill ALL missle systems are BANNED in ToPs

- Depending on the highest rank that may be acheived at least one warrior of that rank must be present in the battle (see the below example)
- Mechwarrior rank....defeat opponent MW in order to gane class up till MW Class 1
- Star Commander....defeat opponent of equal or higher rank
- Star Captain....defeat 3 opponents of  one rank below or of equal or higher rank
- Star Colonel....defeat 3 opponents of one rank lower or equal or higher rank

Comprehensive Example

Sibko Labour Caste Doodle seeks rank and status in the waarrior caste.

Sibko faces 3 MW in first ToP - its wasn't a good day for him he only beat one opponent

Sibko is promoted to MW Class 4 Warrior Caste
MW4 faces 3 MW in second ToP - had a decent day and defeats 2 opponents
MW4 Is promoted to MW Class 2
MW2 face 2 MW and 1 SCmd in third ToP - had an outstanding battle defeating all opponets
MW2 is promoted to SCmd
SCmd faces  2 SCmd, and one SCpt - did not get all 3 kills
SCmd remains at the same rank
SCmd is successful in deafeating the above in his next ToP
SCmd is promoted to SCpt
SCpt faces 3 Scmd to get SCol - has a great battle
SCpt is promoted to SCol

-GCmd is an appointed rank
-Ranks higher than SCmd can not be obtained by a split battle