An Inner Sphere dropship has crashed-landed on a clan border world. This action doesn't surprise Clan intelligence. However, the word is that this Leapord Class dropship has a highly modified experimental weapons system and is capable of carrying 6 Battlemechs.
The Dropship Modifications
According to Clan intelligence this dropship can carry 6 mechs, has new longer range ER PPCs modeled after the Clan version, and sports one of the Inner Sphere's latest attempts at dealing with Clans: the LRM DFM system. The entire system is described below:
Central Turret Weapons
2 (E)ER PPC's
1 LRM DFM 20
Description Damage Minimum Short Medium Long
(E)ER PPC 15 None 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30
LRM DFM 20 2/missle None 1-6 7 -12 13 -18
Leapord Class dropship armor values
Nose 500
Right/Left 450
Rear 400
Turret 350
There is a 2 hex shadow all around the dropship where the turret cannot track.
The Inner Sphere mechs have already deployed around the dropship. The dropship crew is commencing repairs and will attempt to takeoff. The turn the dropship may leave is at the end of Turn 8 + 1D6. The die roll will be done between the Game Master and the Inner Sphere Mech Commander. The dropship cannot take off if any of the main body is breached. The mechs' instruments will alert everyone when the dropship is powering up and preparing to depart.
A mech may try to enter the dropship, however the crew may not let you in. It takes 3 MP's to enter or leave the mech-day. The mech-bay doors take one turn to open and close. Only mechs standing in the doors may fire out.
If the dropship manages to takeoff, say goodbye to any mech within 3 hex blast cone of the rear engines. Any mech within 6 hexes of the rear engines takes 10 points of damage in 5 point groups.
The Clans All Mechwarriors 3/4
The Inner Sphere The Commander 3/4
All Others 4/5
The Clans: Gargoyle (B) 80 tons
Timberwolf (D) 75 tons
Summoner (D) 70 tons Total = 340 tons
Mad Dog (D) 60 tons
Stormcrow (C) 55 tons
The Inner Sphere: Typhoon 100 tons
Executioner 90 tons
Kodiak 85 tons Total = 465 tons
Thugee 80 tons
Shootist 70 tons
Adder 40 tons
9 pre-assigned map boards (light woods). The dropship is in the center board. If a mech is pushed off the edge of a board, it is destroyed!!!
A Clan Decisive victory:
Prevent the dropship from taking off and destroy 2 or more mechs.
A Clan Tactical victory:
Prevent the dropship from taking off.
An Inner Sphere Tactical victory:
The dropship escapes.
An Inner Sphere Decisive victory:
The dropship escapes with 4 or more mechs aboard.
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