Chapter Founders
Ron Corcoran, Chapter Khan
Khan Chistu, Clan Jade Falcon
Robert Motsinger, Chapter saKhan
SCdr Moon, Clan Smoke Jaguar
Mike Polk, LoreMaster
MW, Clan Ghost Bear
Robert Gifford, OathMaster
SCdr Whitehall, Clan Nova Cat
Other Chapter Members
We are a Clan Chapter (MNA# 436) located in the Winston-Salem/Greensboro,
North Carolina area. We have been members of MechForce North America for over 3 years now and love this game. If your interested in gaming with our group, drop us a line at: Black Moon Headquarters
We also have After Action Reports for several scenarios published by FASA Corporation that we have played and have had interesting results. Feel free to check them out at the Chapter Battles page.
Here is a Clan Glossary we have compiled. It is not exhaustive by any means. We tried to cover the most commonly used Clan terms in the game.
Chapter Tales is a link to stories that members of this chapter have contributed for our monthly newsletter entitled "The BlackMoon Intelligence Briefing." These are either original stories or recounts of past chapter battles. I will post a new story every month or as they are submitted to me. Please check them out.
Mechwarrior 2 Player Database is a new service that we have started. This is a database that will contain contact info for all Activision MechWarrior2 games. With this, novice players can contact experienced players for advice and tips/techniques. Have a look and let us know what you think. You can send e-mail to Khan Chistu to have your name added to this list. Be sure to include all the necessary info contained in the table.
Chapter Lineage
Other Links of interest
Here is a link to our page for WarCraft II. Enjoy the puds!
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to visit since 1 Feb 96. This page was last updated: 01 Nov 96.
Battle Tech, Mechwarrior and 'Mechs are trademarks of FASA Corporation. All images are used without permission as I have no intent of financial gain from the information used in this or any other related pages.