Clan Jade Falcon has an illustrious and
honorable history, dating back almost two-hundred years with the most cutting edge
technology and the most cunning genetics of the Clans. Taking a step back from "Clan
Jade Falcon" as we know it, this page covers all intelligence I can gather on one of
these premier invading Crusader Clans. They have always been strict, I believe this stemms back to when Nicholas Kerensky mingled his blood with Wolf Clan. Already excellent fighters, and arguably better than the Wolves at the time, this infuriated Jade Falcon to an extreme extent, and they swore anew their faith in Kerensky. Ever since then they have been more conservative then most Clans, and far more radical in their beliefs of the way of their Kerenskies. Few Clans could or can claim to be more strict than the Clan where being out of uniform or wearing it improperly can mean execution. Most of this information is gathered from the Jade Falcon Source Book, various webpages, and other information resources. Everything below in the table are direct quotes.
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